what programming language do i have to learn to get into the fintech industry

If you google the all-time programming languages for fintech, y'all will go a lot of different views. Many surveys give statistics with Python or Java topping the charts of the in-need technologies. Some articles mention Go, C++, and Kotlin. So, what is number i? The truth is that each language is a smart choice if properly applied. In this commodity, we volition share our insights on fintech apps and guide you lot through the well-tried solutions that we use in our projects.


For more than 20 years, Java has been the master language of fintech programmers. Banks and other financial institutions utilise it to build their circuitous software products. What is the reason for such long-lasting fame? Showtime of all, it is stability and safety. Coffee has a broad range of features that make Java apps secure:

  • Forcible runtime limits through Coffee Virtual Automobile
  • Security director that isolates suspicious code from the healthy function of an executive programme
  • Security APIs that are easy to use

Some other pro of Java is that it runs in a virtual surround. Due to this, information technology works on any device. Y'all can quickly move your project to a different platform, both web and mobile, keeping the code unchanged.

At Softensy, we brand each banking app using Java. It is the primary language for backend development. One of the examples is the latest is the latest mobile banking EcoBank. It is a large, long-lasting project that nosotros continually support and improve. Coffee is the all-time suited for projects with a long life. The language is strongly typed and structured and allows avoiding nearly errors at the compilation stage.

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Coffee is the best choice for big projects


Python in fintech is one of the most popular languages today, due to the flexibility and simplicity of the syntax. It supports modules and module packages, which contributes to modularity and lawmaking reuse. Standard libraries are available in both compiled and native form on all major platforms.

Python is cantankerous-functional. It suits both backend and frontend development. Being dynamically typed, Python performs blazon bank check during the execution fourth dimension.

Many developers start their career path with this language considering it is pretty easy to learn. Therefore, hiring a Python developer does non brand a problem.

Now, you tin come beyond many fintech apps built with Python. It is especially truthful for companies that piece of work on short-term projects for small businesses. The to a higher place does not mean that you lot cannot write on Python extensive services. However, bearing in mind that Python is ane,v times slower than Coffee, it is less in demand amid enterprise-scale clients.

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Become, as well known equally Golang, was kickoff introduced past Google in 2009. The central purpose of Go creators was to make a simple language that, meanwhile, removes all the gaps of other languages. Golang is like to Coffee. It has high operation and strict typification. Information technology is also related to C in terms of syntax and speed.

The main benefit of Get is the ability to maintain many tasks at the same time. This feature is called concurrency. Highly concurrent apps can work with thousands of requests and are less probable to crash during peak load.

Which way does Get make it possible? It has so-called goroutines that are very lightweight and brusque. You can run millions of goroutines without performance bug. The sole condition – they must chop-chop do their job and exit.

In view of this, Go seems to be one of the best programming languages used in fintech for loftier-load systems. It serves for enterprise applications that must process thousands of requests at one time. And then, if you demand to create multi-threaded loftier-load server solutions, choose Go. That's what we did in our mobile banking and CRM projects. In the mobile app, Go implements a microservice that sends button notifications and SMS to customers. In CRM, it is in charge of a contact heart module, i.e., chatting with an operator.

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Go is skilful for high-load systems


C++ is an experienced player in the development world. It is a general-purpose language, which is also in need in fintech. C++ is known for its program execution speed. By this parameter, information technology does not lag behind Java. That is why some companies adopt C++ banking app services.

Fifty-fifty though the language has recently dropped into the background, it is still considered the height pick for quantitative analytics and finance.

C++ is multi-thread, concurrent, and productive. At the same time, it is too complicated and has a low level of security. All this creates conditions to use the language in specific niches only. At Softensy, we rarely apply information technology. Still, we take some projects written in C++.

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When you get to this point, you may wonder why previous fintech programming languages do not make a divide section "Backend." I did this on purpose since each of them suits both backend and frontend development. All the same, at Softensy, we mainly use them for the backend. To create client-side, we involve other technologies, since we believe they are more suitable for building modular architecture.


React is an open-source library based on JavaScript . Information technology is platonic for shaping user interfaces both for web and mobile platforms. With React, yous can create UI elements and use them many times in different apps.

To make an interface, you need to describe how different parts of the interface look in each state of the app. React will effectively update and render only specific components when the information changes. Declarative interfaces make the code more predictable and much easier to debug.

Currently, React is much in demand. Information technology is used in nigh trending projects in every field. Fintech is no exception. Users appreciate smart UI that allows glitchless coin management in an app. React helps make it the easiest style.

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Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that works on pinnacle of JVM. It is used for building Android apps and provides developers with simple and convenient tools that practise non crave much code.

In our opinion, Kotlin is not powerful enough for backend development, yet, it is a perfect choice for frontend. At Softensy, we apply Coffee for the large and complex backend. At the same fourth dimension, we utilize Kotlin for app microservice architecture.

Kotlin is used to build Android apps

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Swift is a multi-paradigm compiled programming language developed by Apple to co-exist with Objective C and exist more resistant to errors. It has a lightweight code and piece of cake syntax that allows building iOS apps in a fast and straightforward manner.

Apple is continually working to meliorate Swift speed. Currently, the runtime operation of the linguistic communication approaches C ++.

Swift is easy to understand for non-iOS developers. It is a big plus for big projects since all the participants can quickly effigy out what the lawmaking means. In our company, nosotros utilize Swift to make modular architecture for iOS apps.

Swift helps build modular architecture for iOS apps

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Business apps brand a specific area that combines finance and high technology. To evangelize a safe product, we utilise various techniques and programming languages in fintech. At Softensy, we don't have a 1-box solution. For each projection, we choose a custom technology stack that best meets the specifics of the product.


Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-best-fintech-programming-languages-your-project-arthur-slyusar?articleId=6640212976618078208

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